GovTech by Unicorn Hub jest współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020 Osi priorytetowej II: Wsparcie otoczenia i potencjału przedsiębiorstw do prowadzenia działalności B+R+I, Działania 2.4 Współpraca w ramach krajowego systemu innowacji, Poddziałania 2.4.1 Centrum analiz i pilotaży nowych instrumentów inno_LAB, Pilotaż „GovTech inno_LAB”.
Jednostek Samorządu Terytorialnego
Advanced Attendees
Coffee Breaks
Killer Afterparties
O Projekcie
A group of impactful people gathers for the week-long experience — which attendees have described as “a journey into the future.”
Access to the conference and a workshop of your choice. Stick around for mind-blowing ideas from best speakers exclusively at Genesis Expo.
Coffee breaks
It's hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
Speakers Skills
Great Experience
No conference has ever grown so large so fast. But we also pride ourselves in organising the “best marketing conference on the planet”.
termin ostatniego zamknięcia naboru do poszczególnych rund
Etap I
Wstępna diagnoza i screening projektów
Etap II
Wstępna weryfikacja merytoryczna
Etap III
pogłębiona weryfikacja merytoryczna
Hear 9 inspiring talks, meet the best product people in Europe, and party together after the event!
Thomas May
[Founder of Forum]
Anna Harrison
[Product Designer]
Nina Wallker
[UX Manager]
John Powell
[Founder and CEO]
[Our Gallery]
What's On?
- Breakfast, lunch & healthy snacks
- Unlimited tea & coffee
- A killer after-party, open bar included!
[How It Works]
Your Phone - Your Ticket
You can use your smartphone as your ticket! Follow the steps below and you will not need to print or buy a ticket at the ticket window.
Fill out the registration form on our website and proceed to the next stage.
Fill out the registration form on our website and proceed to the next stage.
Fill out the registration form on our website and proceed to the next stage.
Count Every Second Until the Event
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